
Disrupting the ‘Conditional Selfhood’ of Threat Construction

Kathryn Marie Fisher • Aug 15 2016 • Articles

It is essential to interrogate how representations of the homegrown threat in security practice may instead be influencing insecurity.

Time, Power and Inequalities

Valerie Bryson • Aug 12 2016 • Articles

Time is neither ‘natural’ nor just. It is used, valued and understood in ways that reflect and sustain economic, social and political inequalities.

Taking Time Seriously and the Value of Generational Analysis in IR

Tim Luecke • Aug 9 2016 • Articles

If we want to take time seriously in IR we will need to think through the epistemological implications and complications entailed in making such an analytical shift.

Governing the Time of the World

Tim Stevens • Aug 7 2016 • Articles

Global time, principally Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), is the product of global governors operating in and through sociotechnical assemblages.

War through a Temporal Lens

Christopher McIntosh • Aug 4 2016 • Articles

The unforeseeable future implicates the present but also the manner in which decisions in the present operate at the intersection of meaning in past and future.

Timing, Identity, and Emotion in International Relations

Andrew Hom and Ty Solomon • Aug 1 2016 • Articles

Timing, almost wholly ignored in IR, is a fundamental human activity – a basic means of synthesising pertinent changes for practical and political effect.

Islam and the Politics of Temporality: The Case of ISIS

Shahzad Bashir • Jul 28 2016 • Articles

ISIS is not unique when it comes to the significance of temporality as issues pertaining to the past have been a constant factor in Islamic thought.

Calendar Time, Cultural Sensibilities, and Strategies of Persuasion

Kevin Birth • Jul 27 2016 • Articles

The relationship of time, politics and globalisation involves the interaction of the global imposition of a Western timescale and local ideas of timekeeping.

Time Creators and Time Creatures in the Ethics of World Politics

Kimberly Hutchings • Jul 24 2016 • Articles

A heterotemporal orientation decentres the position of the ethical theorist by questioning the assumption of a fusion between his or her particular present and ‘the’ present of world politics.

Edited Collection – Time, Temporality and Global Politics

E-International Relations • Jul 15 2016 • Features

This book address subjects such as war, terrorism, identity, and governance to demonstrate how focusing on temporal aspects can enhance our understanding of the world.

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