Comparative Politics

Thinking Global Podcast – George Lawson (Part Two)

E-International Relations • Feb 12 2024 • Features

George Lawson speaks on the international dimension of revolutions, ‘unruly politics’, ‘negotiated revolutions’ and more, in the second episode of two-parts on revolution.

Thinking Global Podcast – George Lawson (Part One)

E-International Relations • Feb 5 2024 • Features

George Lawson speaks about conceptualising revolution, comparative historical sociology, anatomies of revolution and more, in the first of a two-part series on Revolution.

Fiction, Film & Empiricism: Comparative Politics as Action and Adventure

Patricia Sohn • Sep 29 2018 • Articles

Works of art in novels, classic travelogues, and film have a strong, evocative power for students of comparative politics.

10th Anniversary Interview – Stephen Walt

E-International Relations • Dec 7 2017 • Features

To celebrate E-IR’s 10th anniversary we asked some of our existing interviewees two further questions reflecting on the last decade in International Relations.

What Do Karl Marx, Napoleon, and the Majlis Have in Common?

Patricia Sohn • Sep 29 2017 • Articles

Terms such as Political Science or Comparative Politics may carry many different significations at once. 

Fourteen Points on Local Courts in the U.S.

Patricia Sohn • Dec 27 2016 • Articles

Local judges need to be more empowered, not less, so that they can engage their training in impartial decision making based on law and principle.

Review – Comparative Regionalism: Economics and Security

Hakan Mehmetcik • Jun 3 2016 • Features

An informative, analytically rich and eloquent book which will appeal to those who are interested in connections between global, regional and domestic orders.

Review – Culture Troubles: Politics and the Interpretation of Meaning

Dana Gold • Apr 22 2015 • Features

Irrespective of slight flaws, the authors provide a convincing analysis in favour of a cultural approach that provides a voice to those who are all too often overlooked.

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