
Interview – Navnita Chadha Behera

E-International Relations • Oct 22 2022 • Features

Navnita Behera discusses the multilayered nature of the Kashmir conflict, the key ethical issues for research in conflict zones, and her work drawing on dharmic cosmology.

Review – On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

Martin Duffy • May 12 2022 • Features

It is a happy irony that families like Ocean’s who have sacrificed so much, bequeath to their host society a narrative not only gorgeous, but priceless.

Interview – Julia Leser

E-International Relations • Dec 19 2021 • Features

Julia Leser discusses the concept of affect in knowledge production in politics, the ethnography of states, and how ‘wolf politics’ can help explain the re-emergence of the far right in Eastern Germany.

Ethnography in International Relations

E-International Relations • Aug 31 2021 • Online resources

Ethnography is a branch of anthropology and the systematic study of individual cultures. It explores cultural phenomena from the point of view of the subject of the study.

I Don’t Know What to Do with Myself: ‘I’ as a Tool, a Voice, and an Object in Writing

Katarina Kušić • Apr 14 2020 • Articles

In presenting a story of my own negotiation, I call for careful consideration of ‘I’ as an object, voice, and tool – and how it might entwine with hierarchies.

Failing Better Together? A Stylised Conversation about Fieldwork

Johannes Gunesch and Amina Nolte • Mar 4 2020 • Articles

There is much more to critical research than publish or perish, success and failure. Supervision, collegiality, and care are crucial. ‘Failure’ must be worked through.

Interview – Katarina Kušić

E-International Relations • Sep 12 2019 • Features

Katarina Kušić discusses the concepts of intervention and liberal governmentality, her research on Serbia, ethnography and decolonial thought applied to Southeast Europe.

Review – From Righteousness to Far Right

Alvina Hoffmann • Aug 29 2019 • Features

Mc Cluskey proposes an anthropological rethinking of critical security studies by focusing on the response of a small Swedish village to 100 resettled Syrian refugees.

What Do We Mean by ‘Local People’? The Palestinian Case.

Patricia Sohn • Jun 23 2017 • Articles

In the West Bank and Gaza, municipal leaders do truly thankless and heroic tasks every day.  Let them represent their people.

What I Learned Fending off Wild Camels in Pamukkale (A Travelogue)

Patricia Sohn • May 11 2017 • Articles

Fieldwork teaches you to appreciate the similarities of individuals and communities across the globe.

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