
Securitization of Refugees in Europe

Martin Beck • Sep 18 2017 • Articles

Securitization of refugees to Europe varies when measured in terms of intensity and effectiveness. Yet, political discourse has been shaped by securitization attempts.

Mass Migrations across the World-System’s History

Yoan Molinero Gerbeau • Aug 1 2017 • Articles

Migration – apart from forced migration – is not a rational choice, but the result of the migrant’s decisions taken in the restrictive frame of the global world-system.

Australia’s Asylum Politics: Localised, Globalised

Linda Briskman • Jul 26 2017 • Articles

If indeed global export might be a reality, human rights activists can adopt similar approaches to nation-states by working in solidarity to generate policy alternatives.

The Future of Offshore Processing

Nikolas Feith Tan • Jul 25 2017 • Articles

The future of the Australian offshore processing model in the Pacific is unclear. The pressing question is the future of those who require international protection.

The European Union Immigration Agreement with Libya: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?

Delphine Nakache and Jessica Losier • Jul 25 2017 • Articles

Before engaging Libya as a partner in its “externalization” agenda, the EU must establish a mechanism that ensures an adequate assessment of individual protection needs.

EU-Morocco Negotiations on Migrations and the Decentring Agenda in EU Studies

Nora El Qadim • Jun 24 2017 • Articles

Negotiations on migration are the locus of asymmetrical contestation between people and their free movement; an asymmetry that is constantly questioned and/or redefined.

Review – Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move

Umut Ozguc • Jun 20 2017 • Features

An engaging book that doesn’t retreat into narrow theoretical discussions, and whose engaging narrative is enriched with fieldwork observations and real-life stories.

Brexit: The View from Australia

Minh Bui • Jun 20 2017 • Articles

Australia’s recent integration with the Asia-Pacific region means that its dependence on the UK for the movement of goods and services is no longer as significant.

Hungary, the Barbed Wire Fence of Europe

Nora Berend • Jun 12 2017 • Articles

The Hungarian government’s, anti-migration and anti-EU, posturing persists as a populist strategy to maintain a firm grip on power.

Criminalising Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean

Matilde Ventrella • Jun 10 2017 • Articles

It is crucial to involve NGOs in the fight against trafficking by allowing them to work and support in their mission of saving lives at sea and from human trafficking.

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