Interview – Jan Lüdert

E-International Relations • Nov 15 2021 • Features

Jan Lüdert discusses normative practices of appropriateness, challenges to state sovereignty, decision-making in the United Nations, and pedagogies in international relations.

Opinion — Less Money, More Sustainability? Foreign Aid, Civil Society, and COVID-19

Christopher L. Pallas • Oct 21 2020 • Articles

COVID-driven contractions in foreign and government funding for civil society organisations need not undermine the health of the civil society sector.

Opinion – The Unintended Consequences of Foreign Aid Bypass

Sarah Hunter • Sep 23 2020 • Articles

How does bypassed aid change the domestic political and economic context? For the moment, what we do not know is far greater than what we do know.

International NGOs: Legitimacy, Mandates and Strategic Innovation

Hans Peter Schmitz • Aug 26 2020 • Articles

Profound changes in how INGOs frame their actions have fundamentally shifted perceptions of their legitimacy. For critics, they no longer do what their original purpose was.

Protecting the Protectors: Strengthening the Security of NGOs in Conflict Zones

Daniela Irrera • Aug 25 2020 • Articles

Although attacks are reported and denounced, the insecurity which is confronted by NGOs in conflict zones remains an under-researched issue.

NGOs and States in Global Politics: A Brief Review

Sarah Stroup • Aug 3 2020 • Articles

The NGO research community should resist attempts by the still-state-centric International Relations subfield to caricature the complex dynamics of NGO-state relations.

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