United States

A Tale of Two Attitudes Toward Leftist Governments in Latin America

Shauna N. Gillooly and Sofia-Alexa Porres • Oct 12 2023 • Articles

Progressive governments in the region will likely not threaten U.S. interests, but poor policies on the part of the U.S. toward their neighbors may do just that.

Opinion – The US Doesn’t Need More Nuclear Weapons

Sveta Yefimenko • Oct 10 2023 • Articles

While modernizing the US nuclear arsenal is a necessity, adding more nuclear weapons to the US stockpile is a costly and unnecessary endeavour.

The Changing Geopolitical Context of US Support for Human Rights and Democracy Promotion

Mark N. Katz • Sep 19 2023 • Articles

At a time when neither Russia nor China is advancing human rights and democratization, America’s doing so could prove to be a highly strategic move.

US Foreign Policy in the Middle East from Counter-Orientalism to Neo-Orientalism

Yakub Halabi • Aug 24 2023 • Articles

The USA can lend its support to pro-American regimes in the Middle East, and at the same time, encourage them to support semi-democratic institutions.

Opinion – Britain and the American South: A Special Relationship?

Curtis Large • Aug 15 2023 • Articles

While the UK and the US South seek to improve understandings of one another’s society and politics, historical attempts have proved fruitless.

The Complex Dance of US-China Climate Cooperation

Noman Ur Rashid • Jul 24 2023 • Articles

The question looms large of whether the US and China can lead on tacking climate change while also navigating the geopolitical tensions caused by their geopolitical rivalry.

Thinking Global Podcast – Michael Kugelman

E-International Relations • Jun 19 2023 • Features

Michael Kugelman explores both the international and regional dynamics of contemporary South Asian politics with the team, focussing on Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

Opinion – Ukraine and the Republican Party’s Drift from the ‘Honor Code’ of Jacksonian Diplomacy

Thomas J. Cobb • May 7 2023 • Articles

The positions of Trump and DeSantis indicate that the 2024 election will accentuate party polarisation on Ukraine.

Review – Meddling in the Ballot Box

Tobias Lemke • Apr 9 2023 • Features

This timely and important book presents a well-supported and persuasive account of how geopolitical interests are advanced via electoral intervention.

United Moderate Religion vs. Secular and Religious Extremes?

Patricia Sohn • Apr 3 2023 • Articles

One can avoid the pitfalls of religion by acknowledging its importance at the macro-level for the greater good of national unity across a plural U.S. social fabric.

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