Russia’s Reaction to US-China Competition in Central Asia

Gunay Khalilova • Aug 1 2024 • Articles

The United States needs to clearly state the connection of Central Asia to its grand strategy, focusing on the foreign policy goal of engaging with the region.

Review – Mexico Matters

Tania Gómez Zapata • Aug 17 2022 • Features

The podcast Mexico Matters engages with a range of experts on hot topics that help the listener better understand how developments in Mexico impact the USA.

Review – The Broken Constitution

R. Owen Williams • Aug 9 2022 • Features

This engrossing book provides a compelling look at the US constitution and Abraham Lincoln, but the discussion on slavery raises questions.

Review – On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

Martin Duffy • May 12 2022 • Features

It is a happy irony that families like Ocean’s who have sacrificed so much, bequeath to their host society a narrative not only gorgeous, but priceless.

Interview – Ties Dams

E-International Relations • Nov 25 2021 • Features

Ties Dams talks about the geopolitical narratives of China and the EU, disinformation, and the EU’s relations with the Biden administration.

Opinion – Are American Policies towards China a Path to Technological Bipolarity?

Mohid Iftikhar and James F. Downes • Dec 9 2020 • Articles

The US-China tech rift has created new challenges and opportunities due to ongoing geopolitical tensions.

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