
Thinking Global Podcast – Fawaz Gerges

E-International Relations • Mar 11 2024 • Features

Fawaz Gerges talks about Middle Eastern politics, political Islam, Pan-Arabism, Western colonialism, the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, and how peace may transpire.

The Changing Geopolitical Context of US Support for Human Rights and Democracy Promotion

Mark N. Katz • Sep 19 2023 • Articles

At a time when neither Russia nor China is advancing human rights and democratization, America’s doing so could prove to be a highly strategic move.

Thinking Global Podcast – Nitasha Kaul

E-International Relations • May 22 2023 • Features

Nitasha Kaul talks about Indian democracy, technology, surveillance, and the status of human rights in Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir.

Interview – Anton Jäger

E-International Relations • Jan 19 2023 • Features

Anton Jäger talks about the factors influencing populism today, the development of techno-populism, and the current feasibility of basic income.

Review – Watermelon Democracy

Arushi Singh • Oct 8 2022 • Features

This book explores the overpromised and underdelivered nature of democracy in Egypt, and questions the contribution of various factors.

Interview – Cas Mudde

E-International Relations • Oct 2 2022 • Features

Cas Mudde explores the rise of the far right and its impacts in different parts of the world, and elucidates the political importance of the Israeli settler movement.

Post-Truth and Post- Democracy: The Dark Side of the Democratic Planet

Post-truth tends to be a dissimulation of lies and the relations between truth and post-truth are not ambiguous.

Opinion – Reflections on the American Revolution at Almost 250

Mark N. Katz • Jul 24 2022 • Articles

As we approach the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 2026, society is deeply polarized about what sort of nation America is and what sort of nation it should be.

Away from Political Parties into Lifestyle Politics: Young People in Advanced Democracies

Intifar Chowdhury • Jul 23 2022 • Articles

Political parties need to revaluate their mission in an age of new media as newer generations replace older members of the electorate.

Interview – Jason Brennan

E-International Relations • May 2 2022 • Features

Jason Brennan talks about the benefits and pitfalls of epistocracy, and the future of democracy.

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