
The Parthenon Marbles in Russia: Referred Pain from a Colonial Past and Present

Elizabeth Alexander • Feb 11 2015 • Articles

Behind the debate over the artwork extracted from the Parthenon are British violence in post WWII Greece, the experience of austerity and matters of national identity.

Current Military and Political Menaces in the South Caucasus

Eduard Abrahamyan • Feb 11 2015 • Articles

Coercion and blackmail towards neighbors may be an inherent feature of Putin’s current policy. Thus, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan are not immune to Russian actions.

Time for a New Western Strategy in Ukraine

Robert W. Murray • Feb 10 2015 • Articles

Western strategy towards the Ukraine crisis has been a failure. Without a dose of deterrence to complement diplomatic efforts, Eastern Europe may share Ukraine’s fate.

Balancing on a Warship

Andreas Kuersten • Dec 15 2014 • Articles

In a precarious but skilful positioning in its Mistral contract with Russia, France will continue to stand firmly infirm between domestic and international duties.

East Ukraine’s Four Perspectives

Roland Benedikter • Dec 11 2014 • Articles

An autonomy solution for East Ukraine, based on the South Tyrol model, represents a practical, temporary compromise and avoids furthering threats of a frozen conflict.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place? EU-Armenia Relations after Vilnius

Günter Walzenbach • Nov 26 2014 • Articles

Economic rapprochement between Russia and the West is unlikely to occur so long as Putin pursues his pet project – the Eurasian Customs Union.

Winds of Change to Winds of War

Anil Sigdel • Nov 9 2014 • Articles

Just 25 years ago the world believed in the definitive victory of liberalism, freedom, democracy and peace. However, the post-Berlin Wall journey has not fulfilled that ideal.

Strangers in the Archipelago: Hunting for ‘Something’ in Swedish Waters

Rachael Squire • Oct 28 2014 • Articles

The search for foreign activity in Swedish waters – the ‘Hunt for Reds in October’ – has been called off. Yet, there is much to be said about this geopolitical incident.

Review – Spheres of Influence in International Relations

John Berryman • Oct 7 2014 • Features

Hast uses the vision behind Russia’s foreign policy as an example to illustrate the continuity of world politics in clear and informative ways.

Rapid Fire: Is the Ukraine Crisis the West’s Fault? Part 3

Robert W. Murray • Aug 27 2014 • Articles

It may seem trivial to state that the west helped cause, rather than did cause, the crisis in Ukraine but from a theoretical point of view, this distinction is essential.

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