Interview – Matthew Goodwin

E-International Relations • Sep 5 2018 • Features

Matthew Goodwin talks about his new book National Populism, the upcoming Swedish elections, eurosceptic and pro-European political parties, and the Brexit referendum.

‘Brexit’: Word of the Year

Patrick Bijsmans • Nov 16 2016 • Articles

While many Europeans may have been shocked by Donald Trump’s victory, Eurosceptics across Europe seem to perceive it as a boost for their own politics.

The Rationality Gap: Brexit and the Immigration Question

Phil Cole • Jun 16 2016 • Articles

If Britain abandons reason and principle, we will not be able to reclaim them and we will end up back in a place which we thought Europe had left behind forever.

Bremain or Brexit? Graduate Students as ‘Multipliers’

Günter Walzenbach • May 23 2016 • Articles

If turnout is below 60%, Brexit is most likely to happen, while a turnout above 60% will work in favour of Bremain. A major component in this calculation is the behaviour of younger voters.

The Irresistible Rise of Nigel Farage

Phil Cole • Oct 18 2014 • Articles

Winning an MP is the latest step in what looks like an unstoppable march to power and influence by Nigel Farage and his eurosceptic UK Independence Party.

Britain, the UK Independence Party and the EU

Alan Sked • Feb 21 2013 • Articles

When the UK holds a referendum on the EU, the campaign will be tense and the country will probably vote to leave. Yet, this will not be due to the Eurosceptic rhetoric of Ukip.

Gender Parity in the UK’s Legislative Bodies: A Desirable Goal?

Janice Atkinson • Jan 17 2012 • Articles

I have tried recruiting my female friends and family into politics. I tell them we are looking for people like them: mums; business women; community workers; teachers. They all look at me with horror.

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