South Africa

South Africa’s Cycle of Poverty

James Arvanitakis and David J. Hornsby • Dec 1 2023 • Student Features

Despite more than two decades of efforts to reduce poverty, levels of inequality in South Africa rank amongst the world’s most extreme.

Review – Power Politics in Africa

Adeleke Olumide Ogunnoiki • Oct 26 2021 • Features

By considering the hegemonic rivalry of Nigeria and South Africa, including their hard and soft power capabilities, this edited volume provides a much needed contribution to African perspectives on IR.

Africa’s COVID-19 Exceptionalism? Same Problems, Different Locations

Robert L. Ostergard, Jr. • Jun 26 2020 • Articles

The virus is hitting African states head-on, but disproportionately, providing lessons for other states about pandemic response – both positive and negative.

Interview – Eliza Garnsey

E-International Relations • Jun 11 2020 • Features

Eliza Garnsey explains the role art can play in transitional justice, how art can be a form of political participation, and the meaning of ‘visual jurisprudence’.

The ‘Forgotten Double’: Reflections at a Johannesburg War Memorial

Peter Vale • Nov 19 2018 • Articles

Experiences of ‘the international’ include folklore, legend, and oral history – places where IR is unable to go because of its preoccupation with rationality and order. It is time this cloak is removed.

Interview – Elisabete Azevedo-Harman

E-International Relations • Oct 11 2018 • Features

Elisabete Azevedo-Harman sheds light on the growth of communication, citizenship and technology in Africa and discusses Dhlakama’s legacy, democracy and President Nyusi.

Closing the Second Cycle in BRICS: A Surprise or Business as Usual?

Victoria V. Panova • Jun 6 2018 • Articles

BRICS has by now turned into a brand. This brand imposes responsibility on its members to respond to global challenges and serves the interests of the global community.

Jan Smuts, Jawaharlal Nehru and the Legacies of Liberalism

Vineet Thakur • May 18 2018 • Articles

Placing Smuts and Nehru within the broader liberal paradigm, we come to a picture that is both global and local, contextual and textual, historical and contemporary.

How the BRICS Exert Influence in the Global Politics of Development

Matthias vom Hau • Oct 24 2017 • Articles

The strategies BRICS countries use to cement their rising economic position depend on their particular circumstances and national economic and political characteristics

Review Article – The BRICs and International Relations

Ray Kiely • Nov 21 2015 • Features

These two academically rigorous books serve as valuable guides to the relations among BRICs and provide engaging analyses on their impact on international order.

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